Art Thieves Film Festival

Junior project

Spring 2018

Designer: Andrew Kudwa

The goal of the project was to brand a festival experience. This includes an attendees path through the festival and how they interact with the print, digital, and environmental graphics.

The festival poster series counts down as time goes on and the posters are replaced to reveal less of the paintings behind the light. A week before the event the paintings have vanished.

Attendees can get their tickets on the website, or as they arrive at the event. There are also Eventbrite tickets as a way to increase awareness and make it easier on those attending.

The name badge has a number on the top right that indicates the status of the attendee and includes an event itinerary inside. There is also a map of the GRAM to help with navigation.

The merchandise acts as an extension to the festival brand. Attendees can purchase any festival gear that relates back to the Film Festival Heist theme.

The name badge has a number on the top right that indicates the status of the attendee and includes an event itinerary inside. There is also a map of the GRAM to help with navigation.

The Festival program contains different facts about the movies, featured actors, and the historical information behind the actual heist. The also features local sponsors and artists.