2018 Portfolio Review
Design Project Center
Senior project
Spring 2018
Allicyn Crippen
Tiffani Tozer
Every year Ferris State University’s Design Project Center holds a portfolio review where design professionals are able to view fresh student work. The 2018 event was held on April 6th, at the campus University Center. Design professionals, Alumni, Prospective Students, and Family were all invited to this event. The concept for this event focused on different audiences coming together to celebrate design, business, futures, and careers.
- Content Creators and Users
- Early Adoptors to technology
- Involved in the design community
- Wants to see students applying feedback and advice
- Wants to see fresh and exciting work
- To have a professional conversation about student work
- Possibly looking to hire graduating students
- Past design program graduates
- Also early adaptors to technology and involved within the design community
- Nosologic visits to their old Alma Mater
- Wants to share stories with the current students while giving advice and feedback
- Wants to visit campus and reconnect with past relationships
- Aspiring Designer
- Also interested in a business background/degree
- Wants to hear about the program from current students
- Wants to be wowed by student work
- Wants to see a workspace they can picture themselves in

To invite guests to the portfolio event emails were sent out to the different audiences. A website was also coded for the event giving the guests more details about the portfolio review.

Upon arrival to the event, guests were directed through-out campus to the portfolio event. Once they arrived at the University Center the were directed to the proper room with directional banners.

The event was a sucess! Design seniors had the chance to show their portfolios to families, friends, and prospective students. Seniors also were able to recieve great feedback from professionals. The event even had amazing food catered by the University Center.