Stephanie Bailey
Shortly after graduating Ferris, I packed the car and moved to the Carolinas. First settling in South Carolina until I was employed at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. I have worked at WFU for 6 years, with a small stint in Grand Haven, working at Concept A for 6 months. What can I say? I missed the sunshine!
In 6 years I’ve managed to work across many mediums for Wake Forest’s communications and relations department. We sweep awards and are often recognized for our work in higher ed. I can’t say Higher-Ed is where I saw myself after college, but it has been an amazing ride! Outside of my full-time job I run a freelancing business, Hello Mama Bailey. I’ve had the opportunity to work on branding and assets for many small businesses, 90% being women owned! Some of the most fulfilling things in my life come from being a wife and a mother to two wild kiddos.
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This post was written by nicolasmata