Sophomore project
Spring 2021
TrailScout is a brand and digital experience designed to connect students and families to the outdoors while giving them an educational and enriching experience.
Trail Scout is a mobile experience that helps its users discover trails and educates them about the wildlife and nature in their area.

From embarking on my photo study adventure to local trails, I was able to find issues, annoyances, and inspiration that would help me design TrailScout to meet the needs of trail users.

I designed the The Trail Scout Brand to tie into the idea of exploring nature through education, similar to that of a Boy or Girl Scout.

To enhance interaction and education, I created a badge system where users can earn digital and physical badges for their nature discoveries and accomplishments.

From the Home Page, the user can go straight to their field guide, start looking for trails, or use any of the other features straight from the navigation menu.

Their activity page includes weekly goals, yearly or daily activity, and the ability to sync their Apple Watch.
Users have their own personal account page that contains their favorites, reviews, and photos.
On the explore page, Trail Scout users can search for specific trails, species, or activities. They can also view feeds of what their friends are doing, as well as highlights of what’s going on in the area.

Through Trail Scout, the user can find their desired trail through searching, filtering, maps, and reviews. In TrailTime, the TrailScout user can go through the trail in real-time while the app times them, calculates their distance, and gives them updates on landmarks.

The field guide has a separated navigation and is designed to look like a nature journal. The field guide provides an intuitive way for users to learn about every species in their area, and gives incentive to people of all ages to get outside and learn more about the nature around them.

The field guide features an animal and plant catalogue of all the species in their current location. From Categories, the user can select the catalogue, search, scan, or filter.

The field guide scanner allows the user to scan a species of plant or animal that they are unfamiliar with.
Your Field Guide is a page where users can see which animals and plants they have found and which badges they’ve earned.