Rosetta Stone
Junior project
Spring 2017
Designer: Connor Vondette
For many years Rosetta Stone has been a leader in the language learning industry. Over the years many different companies have advanced to their level of learning. To create a unique solution, a brand extension was introduced to incorporate augmented reality into a fun and unique learning experience.

The Rosetta Stone ads should show the new application being used in real world context.

The advertisements should also inform the users that it is an application only available on mobile, found in the App Store and Google play store.

The Rosetta Stone application is clean and user friendly for people of all demographics. To keep brand recognition the brands two primary colors are used.
Using augmented reality, the application allows users to learn how to say words in different languages in real time.
When on the object that a user is viewing they can click to view more information.
Users have the option to save their screen caps to memories for viewing later.